Clean Chlorella

Clean Bluegreen™ recommends Clean Chlorella every day.

      • Chlorella is perhaps the world’s best known superfood. It is sometimes called “the perfect food” because of its well-balanced ratios of proteins, nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
      • Chlorella is about two-thirds protein and about 1/8th Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF), an astounding nucleotide-peptide complex made of beta glucans, nucleic acids, amino acids, polysaccharides and peptides. CGF is unique to chlorella and not found in any other vitamins, food or superfood.
      • Chlorella contains roughly 10 times the chlorophyll of alfalfa. It it one of the most phytonutrient-rich superfoods found on the planet, containing from 2 – 3% chlorophyll, plus beta carotene, lutein, alpha carotene and vitamin A.

NOTE: If you’ve never taken chlorella before, we advise you to start slowly (two tablets) and observe how it makes you feel and how your body reacts to it. For people who have been on junk food diets, chlorella can be startling to the system because it’s such a potent superfood. You may need to ease into it gradually.